Wednesday, November 20, 2013

His Faithfulness in a Dry Land

I want this to be about God, and not just about me, because by Him, through Him, and to Him be glory in all things. But maybe my recent struggles may encourage you.

Christians go through seasons of change much like what we see in the leaves in autumn. Lots of change going on in my life the last couple of months; job change, housing change, income change, scheduling change, etc. In all the hubbub I have hit a real dry spell in my connection with Christ. I feel like I am not finding him. Fear that I am not looking hard as I used to...missing the connection with Him through the body as well. As someone seem to put it well, "we are lost and without a country." 

Seems like it has been a constant refrain for the last several weeks in my journal. And I know have mentioned it to several people about their thoughts. But I just can't get into a routine, and my prayer time is sparse, bible reading is behind, but not much. I listen to sermons on my podcasts.  I am reading a great book, Follow Me by David Platt, but the engagement and intimacy with God doesn't seem to manifest itself.  I don't want to rely on feelings, but I am not feeling it.

I know that God is always faithful. Through the calm and through the storm, He never let's go. He is a bulwark never failing! I know that no matter how dry I feel, before the throne of God above, I have a strong and perfect plea and a great High priest whose name is love, Who ever lives pleads for me. And so I know that I will be restless until I find my rest in Him.

I am still fighting. Yet I know God is working my fight through me, giving me strength, changing my "want-to"s. It has not let up yet. No light at the end of the tunnel yet. I plan this, or I try that, or I look for advice here and there. No silver bullet, except for Christ. I need Him to be my true treasure, portion, and satisfaction again; and I will fight for it.

I wonder if God is trying to teach me something. Lots of things have come to mind as I seek Him as to my struggle. Humility, that I am not the man on my own that I think that I am.  His faithfulness, that He will supply all my needs as I trust in Him through dryness.  Compassion for those that may have been, are going through, or will go through dryness, darkness, and restlessness. Patience as I wait for Him to deliver and cause me to mount up on wings like eagles. Dependence and faith in the one who works when I can't see Him working, and who works in situations that no one else can work. Dependence on the body and my need of fellowship. I resign and submit willingly to the lesson. I am His to do as He pleases, and I am content to receive that which He providentially designs for my good.

God in an infinite being and is doing 1000 more things than I can ponder through times of dryness in my life and yours.  And so we must take thoughts of worry and despair captive for Christ--2 Cor 10:5.  We must fight the good fight of faith--1 Tim 6:12. We must remind ourselves of the passages of faith (Rom 8:28, 2 Cor 12:7-10, James 1:2-7, Heb 4:16, Isa 40:29-31, 41:10, Lam 3:22-24, Psalm 73:26) that speak of the good of our suffering, and walk through the valley of the shadow of death and dryness well. Let our prayer be that through whatever we walk, Christ be revealed in and through our lives, our thoughts, our speech, our countenance.

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